Monday, April 12, 2010

Greta and Lucy's First Photo Shoot

Our girls camp fundraiser was family photos. Luckily we have more than one person in our ward qualified to charge money for taking photos. We were especially lucky these women donated their time to our cause. I am really happy with the way our photos turned out.
All of the photos were taken in downtown Twin Falls. For this photo the girls were standing on a cement ledge about four feet off the ground.
Greta's overbite smile is priceless (she loves sucking on her front two fingers and was doomed by genetics to have braces anyway).
Here is sweet Lucy in all her helmet glory. This was the one photo I wanted-one of all of our feet. I'm glad the photographer included Greta's crossed legs and Lucy's purse.
Here is how the uncropped photo looked. This pretty much summed up the photo shoot. As shown by the red noses and hands, it was freezing outside, which made the girls very grumpy. Why no family photo including faces? Neil has not yet reached his goal weight (he is currently training for a triathlon) and my hair was a mess (think graying mullet).

1 comment:

Cheree said...

Whoot! Whoot!!!! I'm so proud you finally posted pics of your girls!!! Greta's growing so fast! I love the pictures....your girls are too cute.